Career Tips

What should you do when life rebuffs you?

Even though you are a fighter, life always fights back! You work tirelessly day and night until there is virtually no time to rest. You are drained both physically and psychologically. After a few days of rest, your body may

Are you lazy or just low energy?

Have you even had days when you woke up raring to get to work but found that your body was having none of it? Many people think of themselves as unmotivated and lazy. But did you know that being afflicted with such

How to tell whether you’re about to burn out or lose passion

Perhaps you've been in a scenario where you've had enough of your job and you're just plain worn out from all the effort you've put in so far. What could be causing this? Is it a sign of burnout, or simply a loss of passion for

Three ways to unwind without sacrificing productivity

On a hectic workday, all you can see is your unread inbox and a stack of paperwork waiting to be processed, and thinking about that makes you feel exhausted. But you can't afford to take a break because if you are

Five techniques for adjusting to a new office culture

Life is a test that we must pass regardless of the changes that occur, such as relocating, changing schools, or starting a new job. And it’s hard not to worry when your environment changes, when you meet new people,

Switching tasks, a trick to reignite your passion

Many people who have been working from home for a long time begin to feel that they are losing their passion for their work. Starting in the early morning, you force yourself to get through a pile of work with pressing deadlines.

Hybrid Workplace Model: More freedom for you to choose where to work

It’s a pain to wake up early and waste hours in traffic going to work, isn’t it? On the other hand, you may feel lonely and out of touch with your co-workers from having been working from home for too long.

“Workcations”, a new way of simultaneously working and travelling

What if we could work while enjoying beautiful scenery by the sea or the greenery of a village in a valley? This would be a dream come true for many office workers.

Embracing LGBTQ+ diversity and inclusion in workplace

June has been recognized as Pride Month, when many shops, product logos, social media accounts, and websites feature rainbow colors to honor gender diversity and inclusion. The rainbow symbol represents support for gender

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