
EP.1 First jobber

When it comes to a first job, some new graduates land a job instantly, while others may take longer to find the right job. Some may even take forever! Despite having studied the same subjects with the same teachers

, it is a different world after graduation. From that point onward, our lifestyles will be completely different. We will have more freedom, more time for planning, and more time to do things. We can freely spend the money we earn, and no one can complain. This is a time to truly enjoy the first freedom in our lives.

What is there for “first jobbers” to worry about? Now that they have the time and money, many people may indulge in freedom and novelty in their new lives. However, the way you live your life in the next five or ten years will depend on how you start out.

Realizing this, #FirstJobbers should not be too reckless and later regret things when it’s too late, lamenting about what they should have done differently. Let's see what a first jobber needs to consider when starting out.

1. Search yourself:

This can be both easy and hard. Some people are always aware of what they like, of what they are capable of, and their talents. On the other hand, some people may not really know what they like while they are growing up. Most people are like that, so don’t feel bad if you are in this group. Some people take ages to find themselves.

Take Colonel Sanders for example, who created a world famous fast food chicken restaurant. He discovered his famous fried chicken recipe and became wealthy when he was already sixty-five years old. Our tip is to find your passion in life, try to set a goal, and do your best to approach and conquer your goal. Life is a journey. While you are searching for the real you, you can gradually forge your new identity.

2. Committed:

In the beginning you may be confused with your changing social status. From being the most senior in school you are now the most junior person in the office. You have to follow instructions or requests from others without much chance to object. However, that is also one of the advantages of being a junior staff member. You can make mistakes and people will understand and forgive you.

Our tip is to learn as much as possible, dare to ask questions from senior team members, and always upskill yourself to quickly adapt to your work. Many things are never taught in classrooms. If you want to keep pace with others, you must show your eagerness and win the hearts of your senior team members.

3. Save first and enjoy later:

First jobbers must be very careful with their regular income. Since it is the first income they have earned without having to rely on their parents, many people enjoy using their money for dining, traveling, or shopping sprees without much thought about what they want. This is one of the biggest pitfalls preventing us from saving money. Before you know it, you are approaching your thirties and need savings to start your own family. At this point, many people may regret that they spent too much and now there is nothing left for their savings.

So our advice on this matter is to save at least 10% of your salary every month. Actually, 20% is even better. If your company has a provident fund, it's highly recommended that you take advantage of that for long-term retirement savings. You should also study investment options as a source of passive income. When starting out at a young age, you can accept more risks, leading to a higher chance of gaining higher returns.

Now that you better understand work and money and that you matter most, as a #FirstJobber you should be determined about your goals from the very beginning of your career. If either one is neglected, you may one day find yourself looking back thinking “I wish I had done things differently."