
Studies Say PURPOSE is What Employees Want Most from Festive Season

The year-end holidays are coming together with the studies about ‘What Employees Really Want from Festive Season’. The results turn out to be time off, holiday spirit in the workplace, receiving a bonus, and importantly, purpose at work!

Because employees see the value of the job more essential than salary, they want to know how their responsibility and role are important for the company. Knowing the work serves a higher purpose beyond just working for a paycheck, increases more of their happiness and the value of their existence in the company.

The strong sense of purpose can connect employees to the feeling that they are having an impact on other people and the world. That’s far beyond to help employees with work productivity and motivation in the workplace. A company can do it from creating a strong company vision, providing a way to show recognition, job impacts, and the big picture of direction.

With the gifts that can come and go, the purpose that the company gives and helps employees define will live long and make even stronger bonds in-between.