
EP.2 Burnout Syndrome – How far would you go for work?

Some people work hard and are more dedicated to their jobs than anything else in their lives. Even if they are exhausted, they continue working non-stop.

These people are known as workaholics. There is nothing wrong with being a hard worker, and hard workers deserve praise. However, we are not robots. Working too hard for a long period of time will have negative effects on our physical and mental health. Life is not just about working twenty-four hours a day, every day. Overwork can negatively affect your body and mind in the long run, including your relationships with those around you.

These effects can eventually lead to Burnout Syndrome. But what exactly is Burnout Syndrome? Let's explore!


Take a look at the checklist below to see if you or those around you have Burnout Syndrome:

  • Emotional fatigue, no motivation to work, feeling helpless
  • Frequently thinking negatively about yourself; lacking self-confidence; not believing that you can succeed
  • Frequent insomnia
  • Frequent body aches and headaches
  • Decrease in work efficiency; increased absence from work; thinking about quitting.
  • Relationships with workplace peers are not the same; you begin to distance yourself from your peers.

What causes these symptoms?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has described Burnout Syndrome as “an illness that results from chronic stress in the workplace, which should be treated by a doctor before it becomes severe and life threatening.” Burnout Syndrome shouldn’t be ignored, because the longer you suffer from it, the more depressed you become. The condition can be caused by:

  • A heavy workload
  • Pressure at work. Work expectations that are too high.
  • Difficulty in prioritizing tasks
  • Lack of decision-making power; feeling invisible at work; not being recognized by your team
  • Unfair treatment; rewards not justifying hard work
  • The management system is contrary to your values, attitudes, or beliefs

How to treat Burnout Syndrome

Burnout Syndrome is caused by stressful mental conditions from overwork, accumulating over a long period of time without rest. Therefore, the best way to avoid Burnout Syndrome is to balance all three aspects of life: health, relationships, and the mind. Do not overwork until your health deteriorates, affecting your sleep and diet.

Try to find time to relax in a new atmosphere, freshen up with regular exercise, and find a trusted mentor to help you let go of your frustrations. You should learn to seek help from others when necessary. You don’t have to do everything alone. This will help you develop better relationships with those around you because carrying the world on your back all alone will not make the world a better place.

If you know anyone suffering from Burnout Syndrome, please share this article with them and ask them to get out, get some fresh air, and relax!